
Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson
Virgin Night by Christopher  Robertson

Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson

To the fowre Children Each of them a Chest. To Christopher Robinson 1 Iron pott of agate 1 pewter Dish.

Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson

Table & formed one pewter Dishe one Bason and Be one wine Cup of silvr. To Marie Robinson One Brass Kettle of fine gald one. To Henry Robinson one Iron Kettle 1 pewter dish. To Ed: Robinson One Iron Kettle & one silvr Dram Cup & one pewter Dish. To Henry Robinson 1 Cow Called by the name of primrose & 1 heifer of thre yeares old called by the name of primrose being marked the flowerdeluce in one Eare. To Marie Robinson 1 feather bed bowlster 1 rugge 1 newe pr of sheetes. To Christopher Robinson a feather Bed bowlster 1 rugg 1 new pr sheet. Increase the Cowes being named as followeth Stippin Ruggles Trandle & Moll marked of their fathers mark. To Christopher is a joynt stocke betwene them fowre Cowes &.

Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson

To Ed: Robinson the first ffillie that falls of my mare & the three next that falls to Henry Marie & Christopher. Christopher died in his 40s leaving Marie a widow with four small children to rear.In expectation of marrying again, Marie conveyed land and some livestock and household items to her children: Deed of Gift of Marie Robinson Know all men by these presents that I Marie Robinson Doe give unto my Children these goods & Chattells that are hereafter expressed. Christopher and Marie Robertson had three sons and one daughter:Edward, Christopher II, Henry Robertson, and Marie Robertson. Christopher married Marie but we do not know who her parents were.Marie was a French name but she was in the Colony long before the large-scale settlement of Huguenots in Virginia in 1699. Throughout Virginians, we generally depict the name as Robertson though records varied considerably. By the mid-1700s, Robertson begins to appear almost exclusively. A husband could be Robertson while his wife on the same document was Robinson. Colonial records depict Robinson, Robertson, and Roberson as though they were interchangeable.

Virgin Night by Christopher Robertson

In 1652 with John Sturdivant, Christopher secured a patent to 600 acres on Hatchers Run of Swift Creek at the Ashen Swamp in Henrico (now Chesterfield) County.Christopher evidently bought land for his sons were beneficiaries of property other than this patent. who secured a patent for land on the Appomattox River in Charles City County.A Ewens neighbor was Thomas Causey who held several tracts of land in Charles City County.Causey assigned 500 acres to Nathaniel Tatum I who secured it with a patent in 1638. He was born in the 1620s and arrived in America by 1642 as a headright for John Ewens Jr. Includes Notes for Christopher Robertson: Our earliest know Robertson ancestor was Christopher Robertson.

Virgin Night by Christopher  Robertson